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Department of Energy

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Open Recommendations (163 total)

Textile Waste: Federal Entities Should Collaborate on Reduction and Recycling Efforts

1 Open Recommendations
Agency Affected Recommendation Status
Department of Energy The Secretary of Energy, in conjunction with EPA, NIST, NSF, and OSTP, and the U.S. Department of State, should establish an interagency mechanism to coordinate federal efforts on textile circularity, reducing textile waste, and advancing textile recycling in the US. This interagency mechanism should identify and involve federal participants and should consider leading collaboration practices, including clearly defining common outcomes and identifying data and resource needs. (Recommendation 5)
OSTP provided a formal, consolidated response to our report on behalf of OSTP, EPA, NIST, NSF, and the U.S. Departments of Energy and State. The response agreed with our findings and conclusions but disagreed with the identical, separately directed recommendation to the various agencies included in OSTP's response. The response did not accurately represent GAO's recommendation, which provided flexibility for the entities to establish an appropriate coordinating mechanism. We continue to believe an interagency mechanism focused on textiles that considers leading interagency collaboration practices is needed.

Department of Energy Contracting: Actions Needed to Strengthen Certain Acquisition Planning Processes

1 Open Recommendations
Agency Affected Recommendation Status
Department of Energy The Director of DOE's Office of Acquisition Management should develop guidance to ensure the accurate tracking of information on canceled solicitations in agency procurement systems. (Recommendation 5)
DOE agreed with the recommendation and said that its Office of Acquisition Management will implement a reporting mechanism to track information on canceled solicitations. DOE expects to complete this update in 2025. We will follow up with DOE after it has taken action.

Department of Energy Contracting: Actions Needed to Strengthen Certain Acquisition Planning Processes

8 Open Recommendations
Agency Affected Recommendation Status
Department of Energy The Director of DOE's Office of Acquisition Management should implement procedures to ensure the accurate tracking of information on contract award timeliness at the agency. (Recommendation 12)
DOE agreed with the recommendation and said that the department will assess the current procedures and issue additional guidance as appropriate. DOE expects to complete this action in 2025. We will follow up with DOE after it has taken action.
Department of Energy The Director for DOE's Office of Acquisition Management should develop a policy to ensure that DOE acquisition offices consistently document potential lessons learned identified during acquisition planning. (Recommendation 2)
DOE agreed with the recommendation and said that its Office of Acquisition Management will revise the department's guidance on reviewing lessons learned during the acquisition planning process. DOE expects to complete this update in 2025. We will follow up with DOE after it has taken action.
Department of Energy The Director of DOE's Office of Acquisition Management should implement procedures for DOE acquisition offices to consistently record information on terminated awards in agency procurement systems so the information is reliable and comprehensive. (Recommendation 10)
DOE agreed with the recommendation and said that the department will issue additional guidance to supplement Federal Procurement Data System procedures so that acquisition offices consistently record information on canceled and terminated awards in the department's procurement systems. DOE expects to complete this action in 2025. We will follow up with DOE after it has taken action.
Department of Energy The Senior Advisor for the Office of Environmental Management should implement procedures to consistently record information on canceled solicitations so that the information is reliable and comprehensive. (Recommendation 6)
DOE's Office of Environmental Management agreed with the recommendation and said it will follow guidance that DOE's Office of Acquisition Management plans to issue. EM expects to complete this action in 2025. We will follow up with EM after it has taken action.
Department of Energy The Director for DOE's Office of Acquisition Management should revise the source evaluation board lessons learned process described in the Acquisition Guide to ensure that it incorporates all leading practices. (Recommendation 4)
DOE agreed with the recommendation and said that its Office of Acquisition Management will revise the department's guidance to incorporate leading lessons learned practices as appropriate. DOE expects to complete this update in 2025. We will follow up with DOE after it has taken action.
Department of Energy The Director for DOE's Office of Acquisition Management should review, through lessons learned or other review processes, the role of requirements setting in causing canceled solicitations and terminated awards, including the identification of root causes and solutions. (Recommendation 11)
DOE agreed with the recommendation and said that its Office of Acquisition Management will revise the department's guidance to include language regarding documenting lessons learned on canceled solicitations and terminated awards. DOE expects to complete this action in 2025. We will follow up with DOE after it has taken action.
Department of Energy The Director for DOE's Office of Acquisition Management should ensure that for non-M&O acquisitions, the Acquisition Guide clearly specifies what information should be included in the contract file to support how acquisition officials considered prior lessons learned during acquisition planning. (Recommendation 1)
DOE agreed with the recommendation and said that its Office of Acquisition Management will revise the department's guidance to strengthen language regarding contract file documentation and how acquisition officials considered prior lessons learning. DOE expects to complete this update in 2025. We will follow up with DOE after it has taken action.
Department of Energy The Senior Advisor for the Office of Environmental Management should implement procedures to ensure it maintains required contract documents on canceled solicitations. (Recommendation 8)
DOE's Office of Environmental Management agreed with the recommendation and said that, if needed to complement any future DOE-wide guidance on recording information on canceled solicitations, it will develop supplemental guidance to address the specific documentation to be maintained in the event of a canceled solicitation.