Improving Performance, Transparency, and Accountability Through Use of Key National Indicators
Published: Mar 19, 2007. Publicly Released: Mar 19, 2007.
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This is a Comptroller General Presentation delivered to the OECD Workshop on Indicators for Developing, Monitoring, and Analyzing Agri-Environmental Policies on March 19, 2007. Major topics of this presentation include: the need for key national indicators, criteria for key national indicators, GAO products related to key national indicators, 21st century challenges, and suggested areas for Congressional oversight.
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Balanced budgetsBudget administrationBudget deficitDeficit reductionEconomic analysisEconomic growthEconomic policiesEvaluation criteriaFinancial managementFiscal policiesInteragency relationsIntergovernmental fiscal relationsPerformance measuresProgram evaluationStrategic planningEnvironmental assessmentEnvironmental monitoringEnvironmental policiesEnvironmental protection