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Central America: U.S. National Guard Activities

NSIAD-88-195 Published: Jul 18, 1988. Publicly Released: Aug 02, 1988.
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Pursuant to a congressional request, GAO reviewed U.S. Air and Army National Guard training programs in Central America from 1983 through 1987, focusing on: (1) how many troops they trained, and the nature, purpose, and costs of the training; (2) whether the training occurred in a secure environment; (3) whether the training related to U.S. efforts to aid the Nicaraguan Democratic Resistance (Contras); and (4) how the training aided the host countries.

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Air defense systemsArmed forces abroadCost analysisEducation or training costsForeign economic assistanceMilitary operationsMilitary trainingNational GuardPerimeter securityRoad constructionTraining utilizationRural roads