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Tribal and Indigenous Advisory Council

GAO’s Tribal and Indigenous Advisory Council is composed of tribal and indigenous leaders who provide advice to GAO in carrying out its mission to support Congress. Given the broad design of federal programs, in addition to leaders of federally recognized Tribal Nations, GAO also seeks perspectives from representatives of other Indigenous people served by federal programs. This includes a representative of a state-recognized tribe, an Alaska Native Corporation, and an organization representing Native Hawaiian communities.

GAO conducts reviews of federal agencies and programs, including those that serve Tribes, their citizens, and descendants. (GAO generally does not audit Tribes' activities.) GAO reviews span a broad range of topics of concern to Tribes, including health care, education, economic development, environmental protection, justice, and infrastructure, among others.

The TIAC advises GAO on vital and emerging issues affecting Tribal Nations and their citizens and informs GAO’s strategic goals and priorities with respect to the agency’s related work. Among other things, this may include:

  • Alerting GAO to emerging factors or circumstances of interest or concern;
  • Providing advice to GAO on building its internal capacity for tribal work and GAO’s processes for working with Tribes;
  • Providing advice on GAO’s development of strategic goals and objectives regarding its tribal work;
  • Helping identify relevant tribal stakeholders to ensure GAO tribal work includes a diverse range of tribal perspectives; and
  • Providing perspectives on new and ongoing GAO tribal work.

Read our August 26th announcement.


For more information, please contact, Paige Gilbreath, or Estelle Bowman.

Visit GAO’s Tribal and Native American Issues web page for more information.


Council Members (as of 01/27/25)

Cheryl Andrews-Maltais, Chairwoman, Wampanoag Tribe of Gay Head Aquinnah (term expires 2025)

Tehassi tasi Hill, Chairman, Oneida Nation (term expires 2025)

Erica Schenk, Chairwoman, Cahuilla Band of Indians (term expires 2027)

Gail Hatcher, Vice Chairwoman, The Klamath Tribes (term expires 2027)

Michael Jacobs, Chief, Waccamaw Siouan Tribe of North Carolina (term expires 2027)

Sheila Carl, Tribal Council Member, Akiak Native Community (term expires 2025)

Myra Pickering, Second Member, Tribal Council, Otoe-Missouria Tribe (term expires 2027)

Ronette Stanton, Secretary, Kenaitze Indian Tribe (term expires 2025)

Phillip Williams, Council Member, Yurok Tribe (term expires 2027)

Justin Ahasteen, Executive Director, Navajo Nation Washington Office, Navajo Nation (term expires 2025)

Scott Freeny, Senior Legal Director, Division of Commerce, Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma (term expires 2027)

Virginia “Ginger” Fuata, Consumer Board Member, Waianae Coast Comprehensive Health Center, Native Hawaiian Communities (term expires 2025)

Rhonda Harjo, Attorney and former Deputy Chief Counsel (retired), U.S. Senate Committee on Indian Affairs, Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians/Mvskoke Nation (term expires 2025)

Jeremy Arnette, Director, Office of Self-Governance, Citizen Potawatomi Nation (term expires 2025)