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Performance and Accountability Report, Fiscal Year 2023

GAO-24-900483 Published: Nov 15, 2023. Publicly Released: Nov 15, 2023.
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Fast Facts

GAO's work yielded $70.4 billion in financial benefits for the federal government in FY 2023—a return of $84 for every dollar invested in us. We did it by recommending ways to improve efficiency and effectiveness in federal programs, and more.

We also identified 1,220 other benefits—things that improve programs and operations but can't be measured in dollars. For example, our work led to:

Actions preventing the transfer of sensitive data and technology to foreign countries

A grant program to fund new HVAC systems and other building improvements for high-poverty schools

Reduced risk of unauthorized access to sensitive Treasury IT systems and data

by the numbers graphic of FY 2023 GAO accomplishments

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What GAO Found

Presented is GAO's Performance and Accountability Report for Fiscal Year (FY) 2023. In the spirit of the Government Performance and Results Act, this annual report informs the Congress and the American people about what we have achieved on their behalf. The financial information and the data measuring GAO's performance contained in this report are complete and reliable.

This report describes GAO's performance measures, results, and accountability processes for FY 2023. In assessing our performance, we compared actual results against targets and goals that were set in our annual performance plan and performance budget, and that were developed to help carry out our strategic plan. An overview of our annual measures and targets for 2023 is available here, along with links to a complete set of our strategic planning and performance and accountability reports.

This report includes a performance and financial snapshot for the American taxpayer for FY 2023, a letter from the Comptroller General, and five parts as follows:

Part I: Management's Discussion and Analysis. This section includes a statement attesting to the completeness and reliability of the performance and financial data in this report and the effectiveness of our internal control over financial reporting.

It includes a summary of our mission, organizational structure, strategies we use to achieve our goals, and processes for measuring our performance. In addition, it discusses our agency-wide performance results and use of resources in FY 2023. It also includes information on management challenges, external factors that affect our performance, and future challenges and priorities.

Part II: Performance Information. This section includes details on our performance results by strategic goal in FY 2023 and our targets for FY 2024.

Part III: Financial Information. This section includes details on our finances in FY 2023, including a letter from our Chief Financial Officer, audited financial statements and notes, and the reports from our external auditor and Audit Advisory Committee. This section also includes an explanation of the information each of our financial statements conveys.

Part IV: Inspector General's (IG) View of GAO's Management Challenges. This section includes our IG’s perspective of our agency’s management challenges.

Part V: Appendixes. This section provides the report’s abbreviations and describes how we ensure the completeness and reliability of the data for each of our performance measures.

Why GAO Did This Study

As a legislative branch agency, GAO is exempt from many laws that apply to executive branch agencies. However, we generally hold ourselves to the spirit of many such laws, including the Government Performance and Results Act and the Federal Managers' Financial Integrity Act. Accordingly, this FY 2023 PAR provides information on the work of GAO that we consider comparable to that reported by executive branch agencies that choose to prepare annual Performance and Accountability Reports in lieu of Agency Financial Reports.

For more information, contact Timothy Bowling at 202-512-6100 or

Full Report

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Compliance oversightFederal agenciesFinancial reportingGAO strategic planInternal controlsPerformance and accountability reportPerformance measurementPerformance measuresStrategic goals