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Fiscal Year 2024 Budget Request: U.S. Government Accountability Office

GAO-23-900493 Published: Mar 23, 2023. Publicly Released: Mar 23, 2023.
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Fast Facts

For the last 5 years, our work yielded an average of $145 in financial benefits for every $1 invested in us, as well as an annual average of more than 1,300 other benefits.

In this testimony before the House Subcommittee on the Legislative Branch, Committee on Appropriations, U.S. Comptroller General Gene Dodaro discusses GAO's FY 2024 budget request.

Meeting Congress's growing demand for GAO's services will require us to maximize our science and technology capabilities as well as our cybersecurity expertise. We will also continue our evaluations of evolving national defense issues and growing health care costs.

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A photograph of the main entrance of GAO's headquarters building in Washington, DC

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GAO continued to demonstrate its value in fiscal year (FY) 2022. GAO’s work yielded $55.6 billion in financial benefits, a return of about $74 for every dollar invested in GAO. Over the past five years, on average, GAO has returned $145 for every dollar appropriated to us. In FY 2022, GAO also delivered 1,260 program and operational benefits that led to improved services to the American people, strengthened public safety, and spurred program and operational improvements across the government. Congress also continues to use GAO’s work to inform its legislative decisions. For example, the National Defense Authorization Act for 2023 contained more than 20 actions based on GAO work and the Consolidated Appropriations Act for FY 2023 included 40 directives that would spur agency action on GAO’s recommendations.

GAO’s FY 2024 budget request reflects the continued demand for GAO services. In addition to the hundreds of requests from committee leadership for GAO studies we receive each year, Congress directs us to conduct hundreds of studies in legislation and related committee reports. For example, Congress directed us to provide oversight of the federal assistance provided to Ukraine and Inflation Reduction Act spending, which will require dozens and dozens of audits. Congressionally mandated studies reflect the broadest representation of congressional demand for and interest in GAO work. Completing these mandated studies are our highest priority. They can also account for significant staff resources.

GAO Mandated Studies from Selected Recent Public Laws

Public Law Number of Mandates Estimated FTE
P.L 117-263   James M. Inhofe National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2023 158 312
P.L 117-328   Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2023 97 191
P.L. 117-103  Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2022 58 114
P.L. 117-167  CHIPS Act of 2022 10 20
P.L. 117-58    Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act 35 69
Total 358 706

Source: GAO | GAO-23-900493

Note: These numbers reflect mandates in statute and in related committee reports. Estimated FTE is for staff to complete work and does not include overhead or other costs.

GAO’s FY 2024 budget requests $859.7 million in appropriated funds and uses $93.8 million in offsets and supplemental appropriations.  This request would enable GAO to modestly increase its staffing levels to 3,675 full-time equivalents to meet the demand for GAO services and ensure GAO employees have access to modern information technology tools and to a safe and secure work place.  As outlined in the budget request, GAO plans to maximize its science and technology reporting capabilities to report on transformative technologies like artificial intelligence and blockchain, given the policy implications of these advances on government decision-making. GAO will also prioritize our reporting on government-wide cybersecurity capabilities; and continued evaluations of healthcare spending, military readiness, and defense weapons systems development.


GAO’s mission is to support Congress in meeting its constitutional responsibilities and to help improve government performance.  Since 2002, GAO’s work has resulted in about $1.31 trillion in financial benefits and over 27,000 program and operational benefits. Congress relies on GAO’s nonpartisan, objective, and high-quality work to help inform congressional deliberations as well as oversight of the executive branch. GAO’s work spans the full breadth and scope of the federal government’s responsibilities.

In fiscal year 2022, GAO issued over 500 reports with 1,255 new recommendations and over 450 legal opinions, and handled about 1,600 bid protests. GAO was asked to conduct work for the Chairs or Ranking Members for over 90 percent of all standing committees. GAO testified 72 times before 43 separate committees or subcommittees on topics such as DOD and VA suicide prevention efforts, NASA’s moon landing plans, and the Biodefense National Strategy.

For more information, contact A. Nicole Clowers at (202) 512-4400 or

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