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GAO: Summary of Performance and Financial Information Fiscal Year 2014

GAO-15-2SP Published: Feb 17, 2015. Publicly Released: Feb 18, 2015.
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This is a summary of GAO’s performance and financial information for fiscal year 2014.

Mission: The Government Accountability Office, the audit, evaluation, and investigative arm of the Congress, exists to support the Congress in meeting its constitutional responsibilities and to help improve the performance and ensure the accountability of the federal government for the benefit of the American people. We examine the use of public funds; evaluate federal programs and policies; and provide analyses, recommendations, and other assistance to help the Congress make informed oversight, policy, and funding decisions.

Organization and Strategic Focus: To fulfill our mission, we organize and manage our resources to support four broad strategic goals. These include three external goals: helping to address challenges to the well-being and financial security of the American people, responding to changing security threats and the challenges of global interdependence, and transforming the federal government to address national challenges. Our fourth strategic goal is an internal goal focused on enhancing our value through improving efficiency, effectiveness, and quality, and resource management.

Human Capital: We maintain a workforce of highly trained professionals across a breadth of disciplines. In fiscal year 2014, about 71 percent of our approximately 3,000 employees were based at our headquarters in Washington, D.C.; the rest were deployed in 11 field offices across the country.

Accomplishments: In fiscal year 2014, we exceeded the goals we set for all but two of the areas measured. For example, we identified $54.4 billion in financial benefits for the federal government--a return of about $100 for every dollar we spent--and 1,288 improvements in broad program and operational areas across the government. Seventy-eight percent of our recommendations were implemented by federal agencies or the Congress (2 percentage points short of our target), and about two-thirds (64 percent) of the products we issued contained recommendations. We testified at 129 hearings before the Congress (our target was 130) on a wide variety of topics, a third of which were on areas considered at high risk for fraud, waste, abuse, and mismanagement. For people measures, we exceeded all 7 of our targets, which include the new hire rate, retention rate (with and without retirements), staff development, staff utilization, effective leadership by supervisors, and organizational climate.

Challenges: In fiscal year 2014, we continued to address two management challenges--human capital and engagement efficiency. In the area of human capital, we recruited for and filled critical positions and completed implementation of both our enhanced telework pilots in all 11 field offices and our new performance-based compensation system. In the area of engagement efficiency, we continued to make significant progress to improve how we manage and conduct engagements, use our resources, and communicate the message of our work.

To help determine how well we are meeting the needs of the Congress and the nation and maximizing our value as a leading practices agency, we assess our performance annually using a balanced set of quantitative measures. Below are the key annual performance measures that highlight our performance in significant areas related to the implementation of our mission.

To establish targets for all of our performance measures, we examine our past performance and the external factors that could influence our future work and discuss with our senior executives what could be accomplished in the upcoming fiscal year. We may adjust these targets after we publish our annual performance plan based on changes in planned work or level of funding.


Full Report

Media Inquiries

Sarah Kaczmarek
Managing Director
Office of Public Affairs

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Human capital managementStrategic goalsFinancial informationPerformance measurementSecurity threatsAgency evaluationsFederal assistance programsPublic fundsPay for performanceBest practices