Improving Performance, Transparency, and Accountability in the Federal Government
Published: Mar 13, 2007. Publicly Released: Mar 13, 2007.
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This is a Comptroller General Presentation delivered to FSIO's Federal Financial Management Conference on March 13, 2007. Major topics of this presentation include: suggested areas for congressional oversight, GAO's work to modernize accountability and reporting, steps needed to achieve strong federal financial management, social insurance reporting, and GAO's 2006 Yellow Book update.
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AccountabilityBalanced budgetsBudget activitiesBudget administrationBudget authorityBudget controllabilityBudget deficitCost accountingCost analysisCost controlDeficit financingDeficit reductionEconomic analysisEconomic growthEconomic policiesFederal agenciesFinancial analysisFinancial managementFiscal policiesIntergovernmental fiscal relationsInternal controlsPerformance managementPerformance measuresTransparencyWaste, fraud, and abuse