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Department of Housing and Urban Development

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Open Recommendations (91 total)

IT Portfolio Management: OMB and Agencies Are Not Fully Addressing Selected Statutory Requirements

1 Open Recommendations
Agency Affected Recommendation Status
Department of Housing and Urban Development The Secretary of Housing and Urban Development should direct the department CIO to work with OMB to ensure that annual reviews of their IT portfolio are conducted in conjunction with the Federal CIO and the Chief Operating Officer or Deputy Secretary (or equivalent), as prescribed by FITARA. (Recommendation 21)
When we confirm what actions the agency has taken in response to this recommendation, we will provide updated information.

IT Portfolio Management: OMB and Agencies Are Not Fully Addressing Selected Statutory Requirements

1 Open Recommendations
Agency Affected Recommendation Status
Department of Housing and Urban Development The Secretary of Housing and Urban Development should direct the department CIO to ensure they conduct a review in conjunction with the investment's program manager and in consultation with the Federal CIO, for major IT investments that have been designated as high risk for four consecutive quarters, as prescribed by FITARA, including identifying (1) the root causes of the high level of risk of the investment; (2) the extent to which these causes can be addressed (e.g., action items and due dates); and (3) the probability of future success (e.g., outcomes). (Recommendation 22)
When we confirm what actions the agency has taken in response to this recommendation, we will provide updated information.

Cloud Computing: Agencies Need to Address Key OMB Procurement Requirements

1 Open Recommendations
Agency Affected Recommendation Status
Department of Housing and Urban Development The Secretary of Housing and Urban Development should ensure that the CIO of HUD develops guidance to require that contracts affecting the agency's HVAs that are managed and operated in the cloud include language that provides the agency with continuous visibility of the asset. (Recommendation 16)
In comments on our report, the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) provided an action plan to address our recommendation which included collaborating with internal stakeholders to define specific requirements for continuous visibility of HVAs in cloud contracts and incorporating the language intro contract templates. HUD reported the department had a target completion date of March 2025 for these activities. We will follow up with HUD to ascertain whether the department has finalized its guidance and templates to address our recommendation.

Cloud Computing: Agencies Need to Address Key OMB Procurement Requirements

3 Open Recommendations
Agency Affected Recommendation Status
Department of Housing and Urban Development The Secretary of Housing and Urban Development should ensure that the CIO of HUD develops guidance to put a SLA in place with every vendor when a cloud solution is deployed. The guidance should include language that addresses OMB's four required elements for SLAs, including: continuous awareness of the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of its assets; a detailed description of roles and responsibilities; clear performance metrics; and remediation plans for non-compliance. (Recommendation 14)
In comments on our report, the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) provided an action plan to address our recommendation which included developing a service level agreement guidance framework for cloud services and training. HUD reported the department had a target completion date of December 2024 for these activities. We will follow up with HUD to ascertain whether the department has finalized its framework and training to address our recommendation.
Department of Housing and Urban Development The Secretary of Housing and Urban Development should ensure that the CIO of HUD updates its existing contracts for HVAs that are managed and operated in the cloud to meet OMB's requirement once guidance from the CIO Council is available on language that provides the agency with continuous visibility of the asset. If modifying the existing contract is not practical, the agency should incorporate language into the contract that will meet OMB's requirement upon option exercise or issuance of a new award. (Recommendation 17)
In comments on our report, the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) provided an action plan to address our recommendation which included monitoring CIO Council updates for guidance regarding contractual language and working with stakeholders to update the contracts with language that meets OMB's requirements upon renewal or amendment. HUD reported the department had a target completion date of March 2025 for these activities. We will follow up with HUD to ascertain whether the department has finalized its activities to address our recommendation.
Department of Housing and Urban Development The Secretary of Housing and Urban Development should ensure that the CIO of HUD develops guidance regarding standardizing cloud SLAs. (Recommendation 15)
In comments on our report, the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) provided an action plan to address our recommendation which included developing a standardized service level agreed framework that incorporated best practices and aligned with Cloud Smart and industry standards. HUD reported the department had a target completion date of March 2025 for these activities. We will follow up with HUD to ascertain whether the department has finalized its framework to address our recommendation.

Rental Housing: Opportunities Exist to Improve Oversight of Assistance to Survivors of Domestic Violence or Sexual Assault

3 Open Recommendations
Agency Affected Recommendation Status
Department of Housing and Urban Development The Secretary of HUD should ensure the Assistant Secretary for PIH provides written instructions to PHAs, such as through notices or frequently asked questions, on how to implement emergency transfers, including information related to external transfers and coordination. (Recommendation 2)
When we confirm what actions the agency has taken in response to this recommendation, we will provide updated information.
Department of Housing and Urban Development The Secretary of HUD should ensure the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Multifamily Housing develops and implements a plan, including a timeline, for Multifamily to collect the required data on emergency transfers from PBRAs. (Recommendation 7)
When we confirm what actions the agency has taken in response to this recommendation, we will provide updated information.
Department of Housing and Urban Development The Secretary of HUD should ensure the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Multifamily Housing provides written instructions to PBRA providers, such as through notices or frequently asked questions, on how to implement emergency transfers, including information related to external transfers and coordination. (Recommendation 3)
When we confirm what actions the agency has taken in response to this recommendation, we will provide updated information.

Rental Housing: Opportunities Exist to Improve Oversight of Assistance to Survivors of Domestic Violence or Sexual Assault

1 Open Recommendations
Agency Affected Recommendation Status
Department of Housing and Urban Development The Secretary of HUD should ensure the Director on Gender-Based Violence Prevention and Equity finalizes a regulation implementing the compliance review requirements of VAWA 2022, including defining standards of compliance and standards for corrective action plans. (Recommendation 5)
When we confirm what actions the agency has taken in response to this recommendation, we will provide updated information.