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Anderson, Nathan
Areas of Expertise:
DOE program and project management
DOE environmental cleanup
Federal government environmental liabilities
Arkin, Jeff
Areas of Expertise:
Congressional budget process
Federal agency budgets and decision making
Fees for government services
Federal government’s long-term fiscal outlook
State and local governments' fiscal condition
Use of federal grants and other financial assistance
The quality, transparency, and usefulness of federal spending data
Arp, Howard
Areas of Expertise:
Investigations to identify fraud, waste, and abuse
Fraud risk management and GAO’s Fraud Risk Framework
Ayers, Johana
Areas of Expertise:
Managing Director of the Forensic Audits and Investigative Service team
Bagdoyan, Seto J.
Areas of Expertise:
Fraud risk management and GAO’s Fraud Risk Framework
Forensic audits and data analytics to identify fraud, waste, and abuse
Bair, Jason L.
Areas of Expertise:
Homeland security
Justice and law enforcement
Bawden, Allison
Areas of Expertise:
DOE management and contracting
Nuclear nonproliferation
Radiological security
U.S. nuclear weapons stockpile and weapons laboratory management
Benedict, Hilary
Areas of Expertise:
Federally-funded Research
Berrick, Cathleen A.
Areas of Expertise:
Managing Director of the Defense Capabilities and Management team
Birnbaum, Linda (Nancy)
Areas of Expertise:
GAO Inspector General Hotline
Counsel of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency/Inspector General Community