From the U.S. Government Accountability Office, Transcript for: Industrial Age Capabilities and Information Age Threats Description: Today's information environment poses opportunities and threats to our national security. Wireless communication and social media have increased the speed and range of information sharing, diffusing the power once held more centrally. GAO's Joe Kirschbaum-an expert in emerging threats to national defense-discusses our new work about how the Department of Defense is positioned to use and protect the information environment. Related GAO Works: GAO-22-104714. INFORMATION ENVIRONMENT: Opportunities and Threats to DOD's National Security Mission Released: September 2022 Today's information environment poses new and complex challenges for national security. As the world has shifted from an industrial age to an information age, capabilities from the previous age remain in weapons systems and other technologies. However, information age activities have exposed vulnerabilities in these industrial age systems. To find out more, visit [ End ] For more info, check out our report GAO-22-104714 at: